Amy Oyang – In Memory, Dec. 31, 2014

Amy…..My heart is very saddened by the passing of Amy.  I will never, ever forget her.  My condolences to her family.  The Dance world is devastated.

We all have very happy and memorable stories that surround us personally with Amy.  One of the many for me:  Amy used to come to my Interm./Adv. line dance class on Tues. nights in Palo Alto, CA.  Amy attended when she could as she was very busy getting classes started back then.  The last time she attended she came mostly to say she was sorry that her busy schedule got in the way of her coming to class and, wouldn’t you know it, she brought ME a gift for letting her come to class and her way of apologizing for not being able to attend any longer.  This is the type of person Amy was….very aware of others’ feelings, and so very generous.  She never forgot about an individual, and always always went out of her way to say hello whenever someone attended her socials, classes, events, and anyone else’s events. Unbelievable kindness to all.  So, yes, we can keep the sadness with us, but not live sadly.  Hopefully we can still go forward and attend classes, dance with each other and hold Amy in our hearts forever.

See a wonderful tribute by Lisa McGuire, here:  Lisa McGuire Tribute To Amy Oyang

The above is Amy’s post on Facebook on Dec. 24, 2014 wishing everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  She left us within such a short time (12.31.14).


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